An Open Letter To Society From A Deeply Bothered Girl.

Dear society, With every step I was moving towards my destination, they were haunting me, accelerating my anxiety, and were making me feel so afraid to go out alone. My heartbeat quickened and I felt usual emotions flood through me, Fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, embarrassment & shame. and Its not just me who felt that…

Choose Battles That Are Worth Fighting For.

Recently some thoughts drift into my mind about my days in university. I recall that day when the very first time I’d seen American flag painted on the floor. This immediately conjures up the image of voodoo dolls in my mind. I can’t help but see similarities with the act of casting a spell, voodoo…

Half Truth Or Whole Lie.

Published at Dunya Blogs on November 27, 2018. Critical discussion over Pakistani dramatization with a friend turned to a heated debate. Undoubting the status and reward associated with patience from religious frame of reference, I had a contradictory standpoint from her in the discourse. Stop bugging me you both, A day passed already, another friend…

Begin Again.

I was standing in front of a tallest building with a pleased proud smile, step up to enter from a massive door, stepping into its lobby walking on its polished floor, there was a distinct smell of money in the air (no longer present in air-conditioned buildings of today) and the situation terminate in a…